I’m happy to announce that the new version of Feedwordpress Advanced Filters has just been released. Yesterday I celebrated the 1000th download from the WordPress plugin directory and what better to way to celebrate then releasing a new and better-than-ever version?
The last month I spend when I had time to test various functions of the plugin, especially the rather complex image filters. This means most filters have undergone some changes to make them more robust and less likely to fail with strange inputs.
Included in this release of Feedwordpress Advanced Filters is the ability to add enclosure images from your feed to your local WordPress installation. Also new is the (beta) release of the link filter. You can set external links easily to target=_blank for opening in a new window. Plus a very simple rewrite function which allows you to set URLs to some local script.
RegExp Filter
Also showing the growth of Feedwordpress Advanced Filters are the emerging of user-built filters around, like this simple filter using regular expressions to remove certain parts of the content, by Frank Mahon. If you made a custom filter please share with us to built a wide feature-set of FAF!
For the near future I will be concentrating on making the image filters use the PHP DOM model instead of the regular expression clutter now used for retrieving images. This will also allow for a bunch of new features.
The new link filter already works this way. I’m really curious whether this method works on all servers around there. You can help me by providing reports!
Talking about the link filter. I’m curious to which Link trackers are widely used around the globe for tracking outbound links. Let me know by commenting ( or otherwise ) and I might support the plugin for tracking URLs.
If you are already happy with Feedwordpress Advanced Filters help by spreading the word and of course rating ( or reviewing ) my plugin to help justify to spend more time on FAF ^^
Last, if you have a great idea I should incorporate into the plugin, just let me know. I’m keen to add new features.
Tags: feedwordpress, feedwordpress advanced filters
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